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Respond to a review request

  1. In the review request e-mail message, click the hyperlink to go to the file.
  2. If the file is a Web page, use the Web Discussions toolbar to add discussion comments.

    If the file is a Microsoft Office-format document (such as a .doc, .xls, or .ppt file), on the Standard Buttons toolbar, click Discuss Button image, and use the Web Discussions toolbar to attach general discussion comments to the document.

    Note  For Office-format documents, you can also use the program's tools for reviewing the document (such as comments or revision tracking).

  3. When you have completed your review, in the Web Discussions toolbar, click Reply with Changes to generate an e-mail message that notifies the requester you have finished reviewing the document.
  4. Modify the e-mail message as desired, and then click Send.